Two phase region ternary diagram
Two phase region ternary diagram

Fo-Di-An and Ab-Fo-Di sides are simple ternary eutectics. Figure represents system as a tetrahedron System albite-anorthite-diopside-forsterite Models real systems very well, but graphical representation becomes difficult (4D)ī. At any point along cotectic, Di crystallizes along with plagioclase of intermediate composition.Ī. One cotectic line descends continuously from Di-An eutectic temperature to Di-Ab eutectic temperature. Ab-An side is solid solution loop - no minimum. Di-An and Di-Ab sides represent binary eutectic systems - generates cotectic line in ternary diagram One or more sides represent solid solution binary systems (no binary eutectic) Peritectic point in binary diagram becomes a reaction curve in ternary: in 3D diagram, cotectic lines ~ valleys reaction curve ~ inflection point (change in slope)Ī. Recall enstatite melts incongruently to Fo + liquid System forsterite-silica-anorthite - binary compound - incongruent melting Components Ne-Tr-Di: albite forms between Ne and Tr line joining Ab and Di separates equilateral triangle into 2 separate triangular diagrams.Ĭ. System nepheline-silica-diopside - congruent melting - binary compound. 3 cotectic lines intersect at ternary eutectic point = lowest melting temperatureī. Adding the 3rd component to each side lowers the temperature below the binary eutectic. Binary eutectics along each side => 3 cotectic lines. Simplest ternary diagram: each side represents a binary eutectic system: liquidus lines become surfaces eutectic points become cotectic lines a ternary eutectic forms where the 3 liquidus surfaces intersect arrows show direction of decreasing temperature At Y along XA, composition is: %A = XY/XA %(B+C) = YA/XA (but B/C = XC/BX, so %B = (XC/BC)*(YA/XA)/%C = (BX/BC)*(YA/XA) If A is added, ratio B and C doesn''t change => composition lies along line XA Along side BC, A=0: let X be along side BC. Note: this holds even if the triangle is not equilateral. Any point in the interior of the triangle = mixture of all 3 Any point on AB = mixture of A and B, no C Representation by an equilateral triangle System albite-anorthite-diopside-forsteriteĪ. System nepheline-silica-diopside - congruent melting - binary compound Understanding the components of the diagram above will allow you to proceed intelligently with more complex problems and understand the different kind of reservoirs.Phase Diagrams with More Than Two ComponentsĪdd 3rd dimension: temperature. Proper analysis of many petroleum engineering problems requires basic knowledge of the phase behavior diagram.

  • Quality Lines:The lines showing liquid %’s which intersect the critical point.
  • Retrograde Region:Region where liquid condensate forms by lowering pressure or increasing temperature.
  • Two Phase Region:Region where gas and liquid coexist.
  • Cricondenbar:The highest pressure on the saturation envelope.
  • Cricondentherm:The highest temperature on the saturation envelope.
  • Critical Point:Represents the condition where the properties of liquid and gas are identical.
  • Dew Point Line:The point at which the first drop of liquid drops out of the gas.
  • Bubble Point Line:The point at which the first bubble of gas comes out of the liquid.
  • The important elements of the phase diagram are defined below: saturation envelope) is enclosed by the bubble point and dew point lines. The gas region is to the right of the critical point and above the dew point line. The liquid region is to the left of the critical point and above the bubble point line. The phase diagram divides the fluids into three distinct regions.

    Two phase region ternary diagram